Monday, October 1, 2012

The Affair

The Beginning:

There is no sweeter invitation
than your unlocked door
I slip in,
clothes off,
switched on,
My world narrows.

Surpassing passion couples
with simmering fears
of what is,
what can be,
what will never be,
My foundation cracks.

You drive deep digging my well
water springs free
I wipe my tears,
you tell me-
I am beautiful...
My gates unhinge.

The Middle:

Limeade tickles my tongue
Vodka loosens my mind.
The heat of you
strikes the spark in me
I combust.

Dry goods room
the best place to start a fire.
The obvious is poetry in action.
Pretty words can't describe
the feeling of my face
pressed into your shoulder
I fragment.

The world floats
in its humdrum pace.
I sail within
thrumming under my skin
to my own beat.
I  simmer.

The End:

In the sunshine I feel broken
Scars exposed to rays sear open.
Another delusion shifts
to disenchantment.

Tired  I pull my cloak over my head,
wearily grasp my lantern,
and walk alone
into black.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I look over my shoulder,
my gaze tastes you one last time.

The you that was you
when there was we, ceases to be.

I stalk the streets we walked
my steps steal them back from memories.

Flavors of lovers sift,
 I sigh, savoring my colorful mistakes.

Richness lingers beyond pain,
my landscape vibrant, temptations to tears.

You would not dream beyond reality,
My dream solidifies to certainty.

Regrets don't exist in a knowing soul,
my toe nudges the door wide.

I surrender in the fire of a man
who finds my hand through layers of me.

Alone I am complete.
 Instantly he Sees.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

When Thinking Instead of Singing in the Shower.....

I anoint myself with rose oil,
you waft into my mind.
Water steams down my back
flushing skin with thoughts of you behind....
A closed door.

I explore the crack
On my knees, seeking you.
Light explodes, splits my heart
Premonition insists I pay my dew....
'I am not ready.'

I glory in vulnerable skin,
Defiant in lust, excuses wash me clean.
I turn my mind's eye blind
truth insidiously thrusts laying a grimy sheen.....
'This is not what I want.'

I sigh not sated in release
pleasure dilutes wisdom as I fly.
I hit the ceiling,
Sensation sinks headlong, who laughs first later cries....
'What should I do?'

I step out onto the cold floor
hard tile dampens heat toes to thighs.
I shiver in knowing,
Glow dulls dim, body reflecting what mind implies
A lock clicks open.